Radiohead invite fans to browse the ‘Radiohead Public Library’

Radiohead Public Library

Something a little different launched today from Radiohead. The Radiohead Public Library is the new online home of the band’s past material and rare bits of content.

The Radiohead archive went live today and brings together a collection of videos, artwork, websites, merch and epic live performances.

To access the Radiohead Public Library simply head over to, download your free library card (not actually required) and start having a dig around.

To me, the layout seems a little chaotic at first but much like a standard library, once you get used to the system you can find some absolute gems and links to rare albums like their debut ‘Drill’.

The Radiohead Public Libary also contains scanned newsletters, a merchandise store and plenty of cool artwork. if you are a fan or were at any point in their career then it’s definitely worth a look!

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