Durex announce ‘Fundawear’ vibrating underwear!

Durex, Fundawear, Umnderwear, Cybersex, Condoms


Recent advances in technology in the past decade or so have allowed ‘cybersex’ and ‘sexting’ to evolve.  With recent additions like Facetime and Skype couples never have to fell to far apart.  Durex Australia however have just announced plans to take this to a whole new level.

The condom manufacturers have released a demo video on YouTube showing how the ‘Fundawear’ idea will work.  The video has already be viewed well over 2 million times suggesting there is a lot of interest in this product.  Basically Fundawear is a set of vibrating underwear for both him and her that is controlled via an iPhone app.  Yes there really will be an app for that very soon!

Would you use Durex Fundawear?



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