How To Build A Luxury Gaming Setup

luxury gaming set ups

Whether you’re a pro-level gamer or just like to have a quick blast of an MMO every night to unwind, one of the most important aspects of gaming is your set-up. There’s an almost unlimited choice of what you can put in your set-up – crazy surround sound systems, light-up rigs and more. But what are the most important things to consider when you’re looking to build a luxury gaming set-up?

That’s what we’re here to cover in this guide. Your gaming setup is more important than you may think. It can affect the level of entertainment and also your performance. For example, if you are playing online slot games, having a comfortable setup is important as you can play slot games for some time. SlotSource is a popular choice for UK slots and players can often sit there and play for hours, enjoying thousands of different slot game titles. Or if you prefer the intense PvP nature of League of Legends, then you’ll need the right keyboard, mouse, controller, etc as this will play a part in your performance.

Start with your seating arrangement

You’ll find many people saying you need to start with your computer set up but when it comes down to it, making sure you have a great gaming chair or seating arrangement can make all the difference between back pain down the line and a healthy spine.

Picking out a gaming chair that’s designed for gaming use is absolutely vital. You may be sat in the same chair for hours at a time. You want to be going for something better than your budget Argos office chair – expect to spend a couple of hundred pounds for something a bit more ergonomic.

Pick a PC

Now the fun part – picking the actual PC you’re going to use for your gaming. If you want a rig that’s top-of-the-line, there are plenty of pre-built options. Many of these prebuilt gaming PCs have graphics that are better than video game consoles, giving you silky smooth, top-range graphics for the newest games.

Because of the processing power of these PCs, you want to make sure any rig you buy has a good cooling system. They can get hot and end up overheating otherwise, so you’ll have to pick between whether you want a heatsink, a cooling fan or liquid cooling. Some of these options are more expensive than others, so keep that in mind when you’re budgeting.

Choose your monitor

Because you’re using your setup for gaming, there are a few different things you want to prioritise when choosing your monitor. You want to be looking at gaming monitors in particular, especially ones with high response times, great colour accuracy and speedy refresh times.

Or choose a projector

If you want a huge screen to view your games whilst also having the option to have your own home cinema set up, then a projector may be a good choice. You’ll have to think about the lumen count, response time and image resolution.

If you’re going to be using the projector in a smaller room with less light, then you can go for a lower lumen rating. If you’re setting up in a room with more ambient lighting, then you should opt for a higher-lumen projector.

Pick your desk

A proper gaming desk is a vital part of your set-up. You want to think about the available space you’ve got in your room as well as whether you want multiple monitors. There’s plenty of choice in terms of aesthetics so if you want a desk that matches the rest of your set-up, you’re good to go.

Standing desks are also an option that’s a bit easier on your back, but they can be dearer. You can even opt for a desk that allows you to switch between seated and standing, which would be the best option to go for if you’re thinking about back health.

It may also be a good idea to pick a desk which still gives you enough room to take regular breaks and have a little home workout if you’re going to have long stints at the computer.

Fancy a controller?

If you’re a sucker for FPS games, a controller could be the route to go. Many gamers find them easier to use for shooting games, especially if it’s a controller with ergonomic grips and triggers. If you’re using Microsoft 10 then you can easily set up a wireless Xbox controller and you can also easily find adaptors for other controllers.

Get a mechanical keyboard

Many gamers swear by mechanical keyboards. These special keyboards allow users to change the sensitivity of key presses which makes them great for all types of games. If you’re looking to play MMOs like World of Warcraft, some of these keyboards have built-in macro buttons which make life much easier!

Choose a mouse

Just like mechanical keyboards, gamers can use different kinds of mice with extra buttons for gaming use. You can find them with extra buttons that can be hotkeyed, built-in numerical pads and more. Getting the right mouse for the type of gaming you’re planning on doing can make a huge difference in your gaming experience, so it’s something to think about.

Pick your gaming headset

Finally, you’ll most likely need to have a way to communicate with your teammates. There are great budget options for gaming headsets if you’re just going to be playing casually. If you’re playing a game where you need to hear fine details – such as enemy footsteps in Call of Duty – then you may want to opt for a headset that’s a bit more expensive as the sound quality will be better.


As you can see, there’s a tonne of thought and consideration that needs to go into arranging your gaming set-up. There’s a lot more to it than just simply picking the most expensive gaming PC! Maybe you can afford a luxury set up on a budget with some tips. We hope this guide has given you some food for thought and happy gaming!

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