Tackling Tiredness with Ensure Max Protein

£nsure Max Protein Review

I’m a fairly fit, fairly healthy, young(ish) guy, with a decent diet. I like to keep active, I like to socialise and I like to travel. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink too much and I pretty much always get the recommended amount of nightly sleep.

As far as life goes, things are pretty good and I do most of the things that I ‘should be doing’ as far as health advice goes.

Sometimes though, especially mid to late afternoon, I find myself hitting a bit of a slump in energy. It’s the time of the day, if any, that I’m most likely to reach for a snack too.

It seems that I’m not alone in feeling this way either, as a recent survey by Abbott revealed that Brits are experiencing unprecedented levels of tiredness as our bodies fail to keep up with our active and varied lifestyles.

The guys behind that survey, recently got in touch with me to ask if I’d like to take their online tiredness assessment and to follow it up with a telephone chat with their nutritionist to see if there was anything that might help me kick my afternoon slumps.

Based on what I told you about – my fairly good lifestyle and diet etc – the online assessment only picked up on a few points. My snacking, the importance of regular meals and strength training.

The regular meals point is often just while I’m travelling or away from home so it’s a tricky one to manage all of the time but the snacking is certainly something that I decided to tackle.

Ensure Max Protein Review

After a fairly in-depth telephone chat with the Abbott Nutritionalist, I decided to take a 2 week trial of their Ensure Max Protein a try and to see if it had any impact on my slumps. She suggested I slot a serving of it into my afternoon window, around the time that normally hit my slump and or reach for the snack cupboard.

Ensure Max Protein was a completely new brand to me but when I looked it up I was impressed to discover that the drink was packed with 30g of protein, 26 vitamins and minerals, 9 amino acids and only 1g of sugar.

It has been specifically formulated to make people feel less tired, have more energy, feel more active and to feel better when starting their day. All of this sounded great to me!

So a few weeks back, I decided to give it go. For 2 weeks, I planned to have one at around 2 pm in the afternoon. Even on the days where I didn’t feel majorly sluggish as I wanted to see how I felt at the end of the 2-week trial as a whole.

My slump generally hits a little later than 2 but I wanted to preempt it with this protein hit in advance and after a few days it seemed to be working. I never noticed the tiredness creeping in as much.

Ensure Max Protein is a chocolate flavoured shake, so to be honest switching my (often) sugar-laden afternoon snack for this didn’t seem like too much of a slog. I liked the taste, it also made me feel pretty full right up to my dinner too.

Of course, I could probably rustle up an extra protein-packed meal in the afternoon instead but this is the time of the day that I’m generally the busiest and was the very reason that I normally grabbed a snack instead. Grabbing a ready-made drink like Ensure Max Protein from the fridge just makes it so much easier, and there’s no washing up either.

Did I feel a difference after 2 weeks? Yes. I can honestly say that the more the days went on, the less I noticed a dip in energy, so it’s a definite yes from me!

Ensure Max Protein is available from Amazon. Click here to order yours now!

This is a partnership post in collaboration with Abbott but please rest assured that all opinions, views and words are my own!

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