Every man of a certain age remembers the smell of Lynx. The aroma that hung around the school locker room. The triumphant smell of a first date went well. The unforgettable whiff of your first night out ‘on the pull’ (not that you pulled anyone). Yes, if EverydayMan were to star in their own version of ‘Boyhood’, then rest assured that Lynx would feature heavily…
And now, much like the kids in those changing rooms, Lynx has grown up a bit. Dusted itself off. Straightened its tie and polished its shoes. Introducing New Lynx Black: an understated version of a timeless classic. And, with sleek new packaging, a not half bad-looking one at that.
Packed with subtle fragrances for a more refined scent, Lynx Black is the perfect accompaniment to the man about town who knows life’s that little bit easier when you step out of the spotlight and into the quiet.
And, with a name that’ll strike a chord with 20-somethings across the land, it’s nice to find a brand that has real heritage, even if it’s not a heritage that involves Parisian perfumeries and price tags that come with a sharp intake of breath included. Added bonus: CK One designer Ann Gottlieb is the woman behind Lynx Black’s sophisticated new smell, meaning your new scent for SS15 is in more than capable hands…
Fitting then that the video is soundtracked by a revamped cover of an old classic. Personally, we don’t think Guns & Roses have ever sounded so contemporary.