The curtain recently came down on another highly successful London Collections: Men, of course at the forefront of this event is the clothing. The latest designs are shown by some of the world’s leading menswear designers but getting the complete LC:M SS14 look is not just about the clothing – the hair, set, music and models all play a key part.
This year the TONI&GUY session team headed by Jody Taylor went backstage providing hair styling for Hardy Amies, Hackett London, Baartmans & Siegel and E. Tautz.
The London look for SS14 is not dissimilar to the styles we are seeing this summer. Classic English gent is the order of the day as you can see above with hairstyles swept to the side and smooth. Using the TONI&GUY Touch Control Dryer with LCD screen for power and heat variation the stylists built their LC:M styles. The direction nozzle makes creating the latest hairstyles easy even if you are a novice like us…!
Which of the four LC:M labels is your pick of the SS14 styles?