MaxiNutrition ambassador Courtney Lawes helps launch ‘Cyclone Milk’

The Everyday Man

MaxiNutrition have this week revealed their latest product ‘Cyclone Milk’ which harnesses some ground breaking technology that allows creatine to be suspended in liquid form. The result is a ready to drink that will assist in making you stringer and in maximising your performance.  The drink contains 30g of protein and 3g of creatine per serving and is available in both strawberry and chocolate flavours.  The good news is that Cyclone Milk manages to do all of this whilst remaining fat-free!

To celebrate the launch of Cyclone Milk resident MaxiNutrition ambassador and Northampton Saints Rugby star Courtney Lawes was on hand to answer a few questions on training, nutrition and life in general…

How many hours a week do you spend training?

Depends on time of year.  At the moment I’m spending 6 hours on the field and then a few hours in the gym.  In pre-season we do three 90 minute sessions a day, 5 days a week.

What are you focusing on in the gym at the moment?

Just general maintenance at the moment as we’re right at the end of the season.  I’ve knocks on my shoulders and wrists so keeping it relatively light.

What is your least favourite exercise

Front squat.

What is your top training tip

Consistency.  Maintain the intensity and commitment you have.  Don’t be great one week and terrible the next.

Example circuit (including sets and reps)

We don’t often do circuits but by way of example if we were doing a POWER ENDURANCE circuit we would do medicine ball slams, tyre smashes and upright rows.

How healthy is your diet? 

Pretty healthy.  I allow myself one ‘cheat’ meal a week, for example a take away.  I never eat ready meals, all my meals are home cooked.

Example diet plan (one day)

I start the day with cereal, for example 3 – 4 Weetabix.   Lunch anything with a 50/50 carb / protein split.  And vegetables, obviously.   Dinner anything with a 30/70 carb / protein split.  When it comes to snacking I will have a promax shake in the afternoon and a promax before bed.

Do you have a signature dish?

Jerk pork, rice and coleslaw.

What advice would you give your 16-year-old self today if you could?

Do more abs!

What did you want to be when you were younger?

I didn’t have a plan I just wanted to play sport.  It wasn’t always rugby.  I wasn’t bad at football or tennis.

What are you scared of?


Who would you most like to go for a beer with?

Cesar Millan aka the Dog Whisperer

How satisfying is it to pull off a big tackle?

Very.  It’s good for team morale, gets you fired up

Do the players stay away from you in England camp when you’re working on tackles? 

You can practise technique however nothing replicates a game situation.

What’s the worse injury you’ve had?  

In terms of pain a dislocated elbow, in terms of length stress fracture in the middle of my shin.

What does your body feel like after a game and how do you recover?

Depends on the game but pretty battered.  I’ll have a Promax shake after a game and a Promax bar the morning after to help with recovery.  It generally takes me two days to recover from a game.

Who keeps the stash of sweets and snacks in the England camp?

Myself occasionally, Lee Dickson definitely… all the boys really!  You can justify a treat every now and then.

How much homework do you do on lineouts each week?

3 – 4 hours a week.

Who do you hang out most with in England camp? 

Probably Luther (Burrell)

Does your hard man image get you any extra perks around camp or do the boys target you more because of it? 

I don’t act like a hard man on or off the field.  I’m pretty chilled out.  Like anyone I get banter but it just bounces off me.



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