The LoneWolf Wilderness Bar takes over Loch Dochart Castle

Lonewolf Gin wilderness bar

Pop-up bars are pretty much ten a penny these days but the recent opening of a pop-up wilderness bar by LoneWolf gin was unlike any that I had been to before.

First up, in order to get served at the Wilderness bar, you first had to actually find in and that was no easy task in itself.

LoneWolf had issued a series of clues on their social media pages and eventually the co-ordinates of the location but the journey your G&T was not finished yet as the bar was actually hidden within of the walls of a ruin in the island right in the middle of a loch in the Scottish Highlands!

Lonewolf Gin wilderness bar
Lonewolf Gin wilderness bar

Thankfully swimming or wading to the island was not required as Lonewolf had set up some boat transfers to those who had been clever and committed enough to find the access point at Loch Dochart.

BrewDog Distilling Co. set out to inspire the same sense of adventure and courage within its drinkers that it brings to the Spirits world and having just got back from the island, I’d say that they achieved just that!

Unfortunately, the Wilderness bar has now closed but you can still pick up a LoneWolf gin from Waitrose or ASDA and enjoy it in the comfort of your own home or pop into your local Brewdog bar where you can try their perfect serve.


This is a partnership post with Lonewolf gin.

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