The Guys Guide to Dressing for Prom

Prom outfit for boys

School proms are a big deal and finding something to wear is perhaps an even bigger deal. For the girls, it’s pretty easy to find a distinctive dress to wear on the big night but what about the guys? How can you ensure that you look smart and add a little individuality to your look?

Matalan has recently created a comprehensive guide to prom from a guy’s point of view which covers all of the basics but I thought that we should share a few tips of our own to help you even more. This is a night that you’ll look back on for many years to come so you need to make sure you get your look just right.

Go Smart

Proms are a smart occasion so you will most definitely want to wear a suit (or even a kilt if you’re Scottish) just like you would to any other formal event. Personally, I would avoid a tuxedo and instead go for something a little younger and more stylish.

A good starting point is to have a chat with your friends and see what they are planning on wearing – you don’t want to turn up looking like a Westlife tribute act. The matching look is anything but cool.

Show some personality

I would probably opt for a blazer (perhaps patterned or with a little detail) with a plain pair of trousers, remember there are no rules to says that you have to wear a matching suit set – mixing it up a little creates a more individual look that really shows off your personality. Feel free to add your own finishing touches with a pocket square or other accessories such as a tie clip or lapel pin.

Fresh shirt, always

No matter what else you decide on wearing to your prom, always go for a new, crisp and clean shirt. It really makes a difference to your outfit, especially if it is a white shirt. This rule applies to weddings, job interviews and dates too.

It sounds obvious too but make sure your shoes are clean and polished otherwise your entire look will lose its appeal.

Try it on

Above all else try your outfit on at home before the event to ensure it fits well and looks good. If it doesn’t, you won’t be comfortable and you won’t feel good on the night.

Remember to have fun. You only get to experience your prom once so make it a good one!

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