Attention Gents: 5 Easy Hints to Ensure You Look Dapper on that Next Night Out

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You only get one chance to make a first impression, so when you’re choosing your outfit for your next big night out, don’t make your first impression, “Hey, I haven’t seen someone wear a pair of overalls like that in a while.” Make your first impression count and have everyone thinking you’re a stylish man who hasn’t just come from the farm. Do a little bit of research, read this guide detailing five easy hints for looking dapper on that next night out find out what styles suit you distinctive look.


Colour choice is important. Go for neutral, understated tones. Tonight’s not the night to be pulling out that fluoro night vision vest (unless you’re going to a construction-themed party… or you are a construction worker and you’re going to work). Choose a dark shirt and an even darker pant to get the effect across, and step out to the night in sleek, distinct style. If you can’t stand the thought of wearing dark colours, you can’t go wrong with a classic crisp white button up and tailored trousers.


Fabric choices are very important. Denim can work, but not when it’s part of an outfit consisting of denim pants, a denim shirt, denim vest, and a denim hat. Fabric choices are key so make sure every fabric you choose is complementary to the outfit as a whole. Do a little bit of research through websites like Politix and figure out what fabrics are being worn, and more importantly what fabrics are been worn together.

Jacket Choice

Make your jacket the centrepiece of your look. Options include a lighter, leather jack, cool, slim-fit blazer or even a nice denim coat to add a bit of character to your summer style. Head online and go for colours that complement the look of your shirt and jeans for the best look. Steer clear of anything too heavy-duty – underarm sweat patches and greasy foreheads are never going to be in style.


In many ways less is more here. A couple of neat, cool pieces can add an element of urban style to your look. Check out some online fashion outlets and do some research. Pair an understated necklace with a matching watch. It’s the little touches that really make a big difference here when you’re creating your style for 2014.

Make Sure Your Clothes Are Clean

This one is a bit of a given. Dressing stylishly is important and hard to do, but half of the battle is making sure your clothes are clean. Nothing says, “This guy does not know about style,” than a big spaghetti bolognaise stain on the front of your jumper. If you don’t own a washing machine, do yourself and everyone in the near vicinity a favour head on down to the local laundry.

What do you think of the list? Is there anything you would add to it? Do you disagree with any of the suggestions? Leave any questions, comments or suggestions or selections in the section below.


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