I’ve always had a bit of an obsession with brushing my teeth. In fact when I was a bit younger I was doing it a little bit too often as I was so determined to have super clean and super white teeth.
Over the years I have tried just about every kind of toothbrush and toothpaste on the market but until last week have never had the help of a smartphone app to make sure I was covering all the important areas when brushing,
I’ve been trying out the new Philips Sonicare Connected electric toothbrush which when paired with your smartphone via Bluetooth helps you achieve your oral hygiene goals as well as monitoring your progress towards them.
Day 1 Unpacking the Philips Sonicare
My previous Philips Diamond Clean electric toothbrush had served me well for the past few years but it was most definitely time to upgrade to the new connected model.
Inside the box was, as you would expect the toothbrush, a really handy travel case and 2 charging stations. One was a simple slim line dock that fits just the toothbrush and the other has the addition of a brush-sanitising unit.
Day 2 Setting up the App
Of course you can just switch it on and use the toothbrush as you normally would any other, but setting it up to run in conjunction with the app will really ensure that you never miss a spot.
I’m on iPhone so I quickly downloaded the Philips Sonicare app for free from the app store and followed the instructions to pair it with my brush. It only took a few minutes and I was ready to go.
Day 3 The Pressure Sensor
In my quest to have the cleanest, whitest smile I can have, I’ve often been guilty of brushing too hard and causing myself some irreparable gum recession. It’s one of the reasons that I switched to an electric brush from a manual one in the first place actually.
Nowadays I try not to but I can sometimes end up scrubbing away too viciously without realising, so it was great to discover that when I brush too hard with the connected Philips Sonicare brush that it notified me with a gentle vibration, as well as on the app.
Day 4 The Personalised 3D Mouth Map
When you get into to the habit of using the Philips Sonicare app it gets quite interesting as you discover your brushing habits. Most people without realising it will miss certain areas and pay more attention to certain sections of teeth over others.
The 3D mouth map on the app displays your teeth and the areas that you may have missed or have not cleaned properly, you can return to them to ensure you have cleaned them properly as well as learning to pay them more attention the next time.
Day 5 UV Sanitising Technology
Just like any cleaning tool in your home your toothbrush can pick up germs and bugs as it gets to work on keeping your mouth clean and hygienic. Until now the cleaning regime that I have followed (like most other people) is a quick rinse under the cold tap, but when you think about it it’s not very effective it is?
One of the things that I loved the most about the Philips Sonicare system was the UV Sanitiser that comes with it. It uses sanitising UV light to kill off up to 99% of the bacteria on the brush head. It also provides a great place to store your brush head when it’s not in use too.
Day 6 The Travel Case
I’m always on the go, as you know so it was really handy that there was a compact travel case included in the box. As well as that the battery life seems good too. I’ve been using it now a couple of times a day for almost a week and it’s still going strong.
The small charger is perfect for taking away on trips anyway, but it is good to know that it lasts pretty well on a full charge, also as I prefer to pack as light as I can when I go away.
Day 7 Tongue Care+ Brush
As well as my new Philips Sonicare FlexCare Connected brush I have been trying the Tongue Care+ accessory that is sold separately but easily fits onto it in place of the brush head.
One of my biggest concerns is bad breath (I know I don’t have it but it doesn’t stop me getting paranoid) and this handy little device was great for giving me that extra bit of confidence. A quick spray of the antibacterial tongue spray before using the tongue brush works to kill bacteria and eradicate bad breath. I loved it!
The results
After 7 days using the new Philips Sonicare I have been well and truly impressed with how clean my teeth and mouth feels. The main thing is that with the help of the app I also know for sure that I have not missed any little nooks or crannies, which is really important to me. I’m definitely going to stick with it!
#PhilipsSonicare #Sonicare
This post has been written in collaboration with Philips Sonicare however please be assured that all of the opinions and words are my own.