Which shirt are you?

The Everyday Man

Something that not all retailers realise is that us men come in all shapes and sizes.  The famous British shirtmaker Thomas Pink have thankfully taken this fact on board when designing their products.  #WSAY aka Which Shirt Are You? is their latest campaign which has been backed by a series of short films to celebrate innovative individuals and their achievements.

Thomas Pink are encouraging men like you to share your ‘shirt tales’ and images via #WSAY  on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  They are even offering weekly prized for the best submissions.  A special Which Shirt Are You? minisite will feature the films series together with daily content updates and edits from opinion formers and celebrities, the shirt wearing public and street style photography.  Who knows you may see yourself on there if you get involved!!

Thomas Pink Creative Director, Florence Torrens said: “We wanted to celebrate the shirt – a simple item, but one which is both a uniform and an everyday armour. It is the cornerstone of most wardrobes and is routinely worn by as diverse a selection of individuals as one could imagine – from schoolchildren to presidents, the world over.”

Initially three films have been produced, with a few more to follow later in the summer.  You can watch the ‘slim fit’ video below, which features London artists Bompas & Parr…or head to whichshirtareyou.com to catch the rest of the series and discover where you fit in.



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