USN Xedra Cut Ultra XT

Xedra Cut Ultra

Hands up if you have been on a diet or ‘healthy eating’ plan so far this year?  Hmm I can’t see who is checking their arms in the air but I am guessing that it shall be quite a few of you.  It’s inevitable that with every new year comes a desire to kick old habits and to get fit and healthy.

If you are anything like me chances are you struggle to shift that excess body fat with sweat and tears alone.  I think over the past few years I have given pretty much every supplement on the market a go and fallen for the promises of excellent results.  Rarely do these materialise.

Xedra-Cut Ultra XT is a new formulation capsule and joins the USN weight loss family of products.  At the core of this product is a range of botanical ingredients including green tea, raspberry ketones, green coffee beans, black pepper and yerba mate.

Straight away one thing that I noticed with this product was that there seemed to be none of the side effects that are with similar brands.  I did not feel sick, sweaty, or hyper.  Yes, they give you a slight kick which aids you in boosting alertness and concentration during your workouts.

The recommended dosage is 3 capsules, 3 times a day (normally 30 minutes before meals).  I struggled to remember to take them over the course of the day normally taking 3 in the morning then forgetting again until the evening.  For maximum results taking a more disciplined approach would be beneficial.

I don’t think this is a quick fix, I don’t believe in those but as part of a controlled diet and good workout plan Xedra-Cut Ultra XT is a good component of fat burning.

Have you tried these tablets or anything similar?  Share your experience below…

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